Green Page
 Judy Lundquist Science Writer
Contact me
The Audubon Society makes it particularly easy to harangue your politicians in Washington about environmental issues. DO IT!
You can easily switch from coal-generated to cleaner, renewable electricity right now! Almost anywhere.
The Nature Conservancy
It feels really good to turn on a light without supporting mountaintop removal, global warming and toxic spills.
How to avoid buying produce and coffee grown with huge pesticide applications in Mexico, Central and South America. Not good for the land and people, and it's killing our songbirds that migrate there.
Other organizations to support:
Natural Resources Defense Council
It has never been more important to take individual action and to influence political decisions on the environment. Here are some tools for both. Just click.
Hardheaded practicality, and they're everywhere.
Can't persuade them? Sue them.
We can solve the climate crisis. Al Gore's grassroots effort - JOIN!
53 million trees annually go into 19 billion catalogs sent to Americans. This site makes it easy to opt out.